Color Actions

The Color Actions dialog (opened with Actions... Color... all options) provides access to all 60 colors and allows finer control than the menu over which types of items are colored. See also: coloring

Color Actions includes the same coloring choices as the Actions... Color menu:

As with other Actions, the extents of the coloring depend on the current selection: Orthogonally, Coloring applies to controls which types of items (levels in the coloring hierarchy) are affected. While the Color Actions dialog remains open, this setting also applies to coloring directly from the Actions... Color menu, but closing the dialog restores the setting to all of the above. Show all colors expands the dialog to include all 60 colors.

The Tools menu provides access to several related tools:

Help opens this manual page in a browser window. Close dismisses the dialog and resets the coloring target to all of the above.

UCSF Computer Graphics Laboratory / August 2011