Homology Modelling and Map Fitting Video Tutorials

The following videos show how to use Chimera, Modeller and MultiFit to build homology models and fit molecular models in electron microscopy maps, as detailed in the following publication:

Yang Z, Lasker K, Schneidman-Duhovny D, Webb B, Huang CC, Pettersen EF, Goddard TD, Meng EC, Sali A, Ferrin TE, UCSF Chimera, MODELLER, and IMP: An integrated modeling system, J Struct Biol, 2012 Sep, 179(3):269-78. (Epub 22 Sep 2011) PMID:21963794 PMCID:PMC3410985
Building a homology model. MultiFit cyclic symmetry. MultiFit asymmetric fitting.