Standalone vs PC Virtual Reality

Tom Goddard
May 10, 2023
Group meeting

Demonstration of Standalone Quest VR with ChimeraX

ChimeraX steps to look at paxlovid resistance

Envision that most analysis will use ChimeraX with conventional desktop / laptop interface (90%), with only 3d perception intensive visualization in virtual reality (10%).

Setup scene with with conventional desktop user interface:

Inspect E166V mutation in VR

Compare how native peptide ligand sits in protease binding site

Take off VR headset to create a new scene with the ChimeraX desktop user interface.

Press Send to Quest button and put on headset to inspect superimposed paxlovid and natural peptide ligand.

Quest VR setup steps

These steps would be done once and headset would sit on researcher's desk ready for use for subsequent ChimeraX sessions.

Development Plans

LookSee and Send to Quest capabilities are new, total development time of about 1 month so far.

Improvements to be made in the next 6 months:

Advantages compared to PC virtual reality

There are several advantages of standalone Quest VR compared to PC driven virtual reality. ChimeraX VR development from 2014 to 2022 focused on PC driven VR.

Disadvantages compared to PC virtual reality

Disadvantages of standalone Quest VR compared to PC driven virtual reality.